River Flows in You – A Reflection

This song with a title “River Flows in You” was composed by Yiruma- a Korean Pianist. Internationally known, as he played on many sold-out concerts in Asia, Europe and North America. The song being one for his popular songs was from the album First Love, released in 2001. So this song has been here for quite some time now. The original song was played in Piano, but I appreciate the acoustic guitar rendition of Eduardo Diaz.

The song is one of my favorites although it doesn’t come with lyrics. I want to say my take on the song on how I perceive about its meaning and what I feel it is about.

For me, it’s neither a happy or a sad song. The song starts slowly and gently progresses with playful speed just like starting a trek or a walk near a river, you can see it, you can appreciate the gentle clear waters, with the sun’s rays reflecting vibrantly as you see the sky’s reflection distorted as it rages over moss-filled rocks. You see the trail ahead- becoming clear, you become courageous and want to run as the wind pushes you and gives you that push.

Winds are behind you and overtakes you and rustles the leaves of the trees around you making that distinct shhhh sounds. It silences your heart, fleeing it momentarily from earthly worries and refills you with insight and strength.

A River

Suddenly, you equate this simple journey with your life’s achievements and what’s-not. Thinking that this simple journey is like your life compressed. You recognize your blessings and count them one by one. But as you reach your destination, on a rock to take a look over the valley, you knew that this life which you have is definitely your purpose and ponders on it. Slowly working your memories as your mind is one with nature and how it unravels.

So I imagine and feel it to be like this. Your life unravels, like a river flowing in you.

About Eduardo Bedural Jr.

Ed -an awesome father to a wonderful son-Wyatt. Simple, conservative, a man of few words, straightforward but prudent, helpful, a bit dreamy, and loves nature especially the mountains. Believes that everything should be done trusting the will of God the creator.
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5 Responses to River Flows in You – A Reflection

  1. Pingback: I’ll take care of your heart | Gemlakshmi

  2. Very beautiful, thank-you

  3. kim says:

    So good. * and this with tears.

  4. Pingback: River Flows In You – Face the Music

  5. Heartfeltly beautiful…

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